Expert Legal Advice and Governance, Risk & Compliance Consulting
360Certainty provides specialist Governance, Risk and Compliance expertise drawing on years of experience across the financial services industry, including funds management, asset management, insurance, financial planning and lending.
We have extensive experience with major regulators including ASIC, APRA, AUSTRAC, ASX, FCA (UK), SEC (US), OFAC (US), MAS (Singapore), HKMA (Hong Kong), and SEBI (India).
We have broad investment strategy and investment vehicle knowledge:
– small, mid, and large cap equities
– fixed income (government, corporate, asset-backed)
– alternatives (property, infrastructure, viticulture, wind)
– exchange-traded and OTC derivatives
– domestic, global, and emerging markets
– registered and unregistered managed investment schemes
– listed and unlisted funds
– segregated mandates
– offshore vehicles including UCITS funds, Cayman funds, limited partnerships